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At Clarks Summit University, we believe in the importance of equipping members of the local church to disciple and encourage one another according to Scripture. Find some tools and resources that can help you, your family and those you minister to.

Summit Magazine

Summit Magazine is a publication of Clarks Summit University that provides encouragement and helpful information through stories about how alumni, professors and students are stepping up to impact their world for Christ through their careers and service.

Read Summit Magazine (current and past issues)

Subscribe to Summit Magazine

Scripture’s Story

“Scripture’s Story: A Unifying Hope” is a new book that explores the unity and diversity of the Bible, written by some familiar faces at Clarks Summit University! The four authors are professors at Baptist Bible Seminary. The book traces the unifying hope of God’s story throughout the Old Testament and New Testament.

Learn more about this valuable resource.


The Journal of Ministry & Theology exists to encourage pastors, church leaders, scholars, missionaries and others who love the church of Jesus Christ to think biblically regarding contemporary theological issues, ministry concerns and methodologies facing the church, academy and individual believers.

Visit the JMAT page to subscribe and read past issues.


This ministry leader resource email from Baptist Bible Seminary will cover relevant topics and is delivered to your email inbox monthly.

Subscribe to Diaknos.

Views from the Summit

Get email updates and resources from CSU right to your email inbox. 

Subscribe to Views from the Summit email.

Speaker’s Bureau

Need a speaker for church, youth group, chapel, retreat or another special event? Our speaker’s bureau has numerous faculty and staff members with various expertise topics to help your ministry.

Chapel at CSU

Clarks Summit University students and faculty meet for prayer, worship and spiritual instruction. Chapels feature faculty members, pastors, missionaries, students and other special speakers.

Watch our chapel messages here.

Ambassador Advisors

Clarks Summit University has partnered with Ambassador Advisors to offer you financial resources to help you steward the money that God has gifted you.  We chose to team up with them due to their mission to support and promote Biblical stewardship through appropriate financial planning, estate strategies, and money management services for the benefit of nonprofits, charities, individual donors, and investors.

Learn more.




Clarks Summit University Clarks Summit University