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Community Appreciation Day 2021

On October 28, Clarks Summit University served its neighbors during Community Appreciation Day. Instead of attending classes for the day, students participated in local volunteer work with their residence hall. The mission sites included the Scranton School for the...

Homeschool to CSU to Published Author

How can women weave the beautiful truths of Scripture into their everyday lives? This is the question behind Haley Seboe Cleveland’s (’17, ’20) new devotional book about Titus, “Truth Adorned: Pursuing Life’s Deeper Purpose.”  In this eight-week study, Cleveland leads...

Preview Day – Homeschool Exclusive

Friday, November 12, 10:30 a.m. Register today! Homeschooled high school students and parents—this Clarks Summit University Preview Day is especially for you! We’ve upgraded our Preview Day visit to include networking opportunities with homeschooling experts....

Us and Us: Rudolph and Ware Scholarship

In 1969, Ken Rudolph (’75, ’98) arrived at Clarks Summit University. He walked into Dorm No. 2 (now Shaffer Hall) and met Charlie Ware (’72), who introduced himself as Rudolph’s resident assistant. More than 50 years later, a scholarship has been set up to honor the...
Clarks Summit University Clarks Summit University