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Meet the Cast of “Emma” – Part 4

Published October 26, 2017 In Jane Austen’s “Emma,” Highbury, England’s own matchmaker, Emma Woodhouse, brings matrimony and misunderstanding to town in the early 19th century. Clarks Summit University’s Theatre Department will bring the story to life on October...

Julie Henning: God’s Story of Grace

Published October 26, 2017 From an orphaned outcast who didn’t own a toothbrush to being adopted by a famous author, Julie Henning credits God’s grace at every turn in her life. On October 25, she shared her testimony during Clarks Summit University’s chapel. Watch...

Reformation Week Chapel Series

Published October 24, 2017 Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five theses on the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517. From October 31 through November 2, 2017, Clarks Summit University will celebrate the 500th anniversary of this act with a...

Meet the Cast of “Emma”- Part 3

Published October 23, 2017 In Jane Austen’s “Emma,” Highbury, England’s own matchmaker, Emma Woodhouse, brings matrimony and misunderstanding to town in the early 19th century. Clarks Summit University’s Theatre Department will bring the story to life on October...
Clarks Summit University Clarks Summit University