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Published November 18, 2016

Community Bible Chapel, Cooperstown, New York


Ministry Highlights

We had our annual Trunk or Treat which is simply an event that happens when trick or treating happens in our church’s community. We put some cars out, and have some games, and the kids get to interact with our AWANA leaders and get information about AWANA and candy. We had about 125 people come through which was a great turnout even though it was mainly in the church building because of the weather.

I started a new series with our youth group kids focusing on the concepts that we use in biblical counseling. We just kicked off the series this past Friday, but it went pretty well, and I have gotten some good feedback already.

I finished up teaching a series in the adult Sunday school class this past month, and the feedback on it has been both encouraging and also helpful as I try to tweak it to be more useful in the future for personal ministry and for the church’s use.

Key Prayer Requests

Prayer for the training and preparations for the missions trip that I am leading to Costa Rica in February 2017.

I am going to be going through the finals steps of the ordination process this coming month. The council met on November 12, and the service was the following day.

I am preaching two weeks in a row in November, so prayer that I will be able to balance my time this month.

Prominent Lessons

This month I have been challenged by the simple concept that communication is key in any sort of ministry setting. This month I have been challenged in areas of leadership, youth group and AWANA to go above and beyond what is expected so that I can communicate with individuals well enough for them to understand the information. Also, I have learned that just because they have the information communicated to them, they will always do what is asked of them in a timely fashion.

I have learned to listen better in every area of ministry and my personal life as well. I was challenged to focus on this huge piece of relationships, especially with teens, as I was teaching and made assumptions about a question that was asked.

Key Goals for the Next Month

I would like to wrap up the series in the adult Sunday school class in the month of October, but I also don’t want to skip anything that might be important for the class to discuss and think through.

Our youth group is attending the Word of Life Event called Reverb which is an all night event which is geared towards sharing the gospel, so I hope to have the last couple logistical pieces fall into place and that the event would be productive for God’s kingdom.

I would like to finish writing the curriculum for the youth group series that we are doing in the next two months.


Ministry Highlights

Trunk-or-Treat- It’s always encouraging to see our church be able to reach into the community.

AWANA – We almost made our goal of 50 kids on the first night, with several new families attending.

Key Prayer Requests

Consistency in my devotions and patience with both of the kids, as we all continue to adjust to having four in our family.

Prominent Lessons

With helping to lead AWANA, a lot of time and energy go into planning for each night. As with everything, things rarely go exactly as planned, but God usually has a better plan. I’ve been reminded of the importance of listening when communicating. I like to solve problems, but many times it is more important to hear about problems and then pray over them before answering.

Key Goals for the Next Month

Consistency in devotions.

Time management at home.

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