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Published November 18, 2016

La Fuente Church, Quito, Ecuador


Ministry Highlights

After being in the planting team for La Fuente Church for six years, October marked the month in which I was installed as the lead pastor of the church. It was a joyous occasion in which I had the opportunity to have dear friends visiting from the U.S. that have poured into my life and love my family and I dearly. It was an evidence of grace to see the church celebrate this step as well as to see dear, godly people affirm this important step.

It has been really encouraging to see how the church is interacting with our series in the book of 1 Peter. It’s exciting to hear people really wanting to grow and doing the hard things to be obedient and grow in grace.

The Lord has been gracious to continue to help us learn and understand our calling in Ecuador as we are completely committed to La Fuente, yet I serve as an “indigenous” missionary in other areas.

My wife and I are loving being parents. God is good!

Key Prayer Requests

Please pray for wisdom in my new role as lead pastor of La Fuente. I want to be faithful in 1. Pursue holiness and love my family well, 2. Preach the Word, 3. Train men and equip the saints, 4, love people deeply.

Please pray as the installation also marks a time of transition for our planting team. Pray that I would trust in God and have wisdom to love, encourage and serve those around me.

Pray for a few important meetings this month. Alumni from BBS are coming to visit, and we are also meeting with some leaders in the area to pray about helping serve churches in the country in the area of biblical counseling.

Pray as we navigate wisdom on how to give ourselves to the church, while also being involved on the missionary work that God has opened for us in the city. That we would balance things with wisdom.

Prominent Lessons

I think the biggest lesson this month was to see God’s hand in my sanctification. It was an emotional moment to be installed as the lead pastor of the church and have dear friends visiting from the U.S. These men saw me when I would fight them about issues with theology, church membership and were with me through many hard times. It was an evidence of grace to see God’s hand through their eyes and them reminding me of where I was and where I am today (all by grace!). It is so beautiful to know that God is so much more committed to my sanctification and that I need to live Phil 2:12-13.

Related to the point above, there is a major lesson on being patient with people. I was reminded this month of my big Mohawk, lip ring and commitment to punk rock and being a cool Christian above just loving Christ. A major lesson this month was to be reminded that God is in control, and I need to speak the truth in love with all patience.

The projects are helping me prioritize things. I am a visionary/catalyzer (CAT), which means that many times I can have too many things going at the same time. A good lesson this month was that I needed to narrow down things and be more effective by focusing on what needs to be a priority.

Key Goals for the Next Month

Work hard at practicing what I have learned in regards to my sermon prep, in order to be more effective and efficient in my preaching responsibilities.

Be consistent and intentional in having quality time with my family (family day) and with key people from the church.

Be intentional on talking and teaching on discipleship to the leadership groups in our church.

Write at least one article for The Gosepl Coalition (TGC) again.


Ministry Highlights

My husband was installed as the pastor of our church (La Fuente). We had encouraging visits by some people from our supporting churches.

The Biblical Counseling Training (institute) seems to be really getting to people’s hearts and bringing about change.

Key Prayer Requests

Pray as I seek to honor God as a mother and in our unique situation of being a missionary and also a pastor’s wife.

Pray for wisdom in the discipleship relationships as I try to be intentional wish some key Ecuadorian women in leadership.

Prominent Lessons

This month provided a big lesson with my husband’s ordination. The Lord really instilled in me the scary and excited reality that this will be permanent role. That in turn encouraged me too really invest and think of my role.

Last week, my husband and I met with a key lady at the church. It was exciting to talk about how to minister to women in the church. It was encouraging that we saw eye to eye on the fact that discipleship needs to be a lifestyle and not just a program.

Key Goals for the Next Month

Get things ready for our family trip to the U.S. both at church and at home.

Continue to read Mary Sommerville’s book on being “one with the Shepherd.”

Be intentional to meet with the wife of an elder in training and a faithful lady that is key in the church.

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